Since I 've been MIA let me catch you guys up with our dealings. Kiley is now 2 1/2 ,a full toddler. I can not tell you how often I hear "NO" and we have tantrums galore. But I love it. Sure I lose a lot of patience and a lot more grey hair ;0).
Kiley is obsessed with Nemo. I do not know what is worst hearing the entire soundtrack of Nemo or the Wiggles. Seriously, we listen to Nemo on the way to and from daycare. Did I mention that we listen to it too and from..Do you feel my pain? I can recite the entire soundtrack per verbatim. I often tell myself that I am going to miss these days so I don't throw the CD out the window. I have tried the "Nemo is sleeping bit" but my little one is way too smart for that. In other words she calls the bull shit flag. Ah the joys of motherhood.
I would post pictures but I lost/misplaced the cable to the camera. I know brilliant move on my part. In my defense, I kept it in the box and put in a place so I would not loose it. Anyways, Brad promises to buy me the USB cable so I can download sometime this week. Take my word for it she is healthy and absolutely beautiful.
Lets see what else...Oh yes, business..Well I still have my firm it is slowly but surely getting there. Not enough money so I am still searching for a part time college teaching job. Many applications no go so far. Still I am optimistic.
As for the title of this post. We turned in my car last October. We have been borrowing our friend's minivan. Their generosity is incredible but it must come to and end. Anyways we are searching for a lovely used car to buy. The catch is our credit is let us say not the best and leave it at that. We therefore are not going to the big dealerships. So this weekend we were out looking. Um can I tell you how much I hate used car salesmen. It was so funny. Seriously there was one guy that looked so much like Joey Fatone. Slick hair fake Rolex you name it. Well I don't know how much progress we made as we are still a one car family. I am looking and hoping for a gently used VW beetle. I found one in the local newspaper that looks promising. Lets hope it works out. ...Peace and love...