Thursday, March 15, 2007

Strawberry festivel.

This past weekend we went with Kiley's God parents to the strawberry festival in a neighboring town. The town is known for it's strawberries and so every year they throw a big festival. Kiley was Miss Diva the entire day. I really don't know what got into her. She wanted to walk but there were sooo many people there that I had to keep her in the stroller. She was not happy about this at all. Fits and tantrums. I don't think I have ever prayed so hard. :-) But then there was yesterday, more on that later. It was a great day though. We had lots of fun and ate lots of strawberries., chocolate covered strawberries and strawberry shortcake. Brad took her on this big slide. It was really high. She absolutely loved it. I beleive my daughter is going to love roller coasters like her daddy. It was nice to have good fellowship and be out and about.

Kiley did start a new daycare this week. She is being taken care of by "Ro Ro" who is a lovely older women who takes care of a few children at her home. So far so good. Kiley threw a fit yesterday when I went to pick her up. She did not want to leave. She even slapped me in the face when I picked her up. I wanted to cry. She really hit me hard. Poor "Ro Ro" she apologized to me about it. My nephews hit my sister and brother in law in the face and I think that is where she learned it from. I sternly told her know and looked her right in the eye. But, I don't know what to do if that ever happens again. Yikes I can not imagine what the terrible twos are going to be like when we are just 16 months. Any advice?? I will post some pictures from the weekend tomorrow as I forgot my camera today.

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