Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Visit continues

So where did I leave off??? oh yes at this point my vision gets blurry. B was in the dark all of this time because C, had spoken to me in spanish. He stopped using the video camera when he saw me go white and reached out to grab me before I fell. I composed myself and say to C that of course we want her and really what kind of question is that? Afterwhich I ask the million dollar question i.e., what is she suffering from...she says has had a high fever, has a severe upper respiratory infection (which turned out to be bronchitis), severe ear infection and colic because of the three (yes three) antibotics. I gave C the biggest smile and say "that's it??? I can handle that." If you have all of the medications and the doctors and hospital number. C, says are you serious??? Now this is the point that I get mad and say..."of course it is not like she is not going to get sick when she is home with us". Does she need to go to the hospital??? No C, replied. Well then , we will take care of her, after all we are going to be parents specifically god willing her parents. C, then asks whether I want for them to come and pick her up on Tuesday versus Thursday "to give me a break". I say NO!!! (mind you at this point I still have not been able to hold K, or even touch her, so I was a little bitter) in my nice lawyer tone I say that although I appreciate her concern, our trip down to Guatemala was to visit K, not to rest. At this point she shrugs and says well she is your baby. She then tells M, to hand me K, (note that she has to tell M to hand her to me. In M's, defense, she loves K very much and if I were in her shoes not knowing B or I from adam, I probably would be relunanct to hand K over to us when she was so sick like that) Well I can't describe the feeling when K was placed in my arms. It was like I was whole/full...does that make sense??? I look down at her sweet face and she is looking straight at me. No fussing, no crying she is just content. I was speechless. We chit chat with M. I could tell that she did not want to leave K and I tell her that she is welcome to come by the hotel if she is worried about K. At this point I guess both C and M felt like we passed the test and told me that K and everything was going to be alright. C hands me her phone number and tells me to call her at whatever time. I thank her and ask her about our social worker interview (see my prior post about the lie) she tells me that it is scheduled for 12/29/..I thank her again M, kisses K. We head up to our room and I begin to cry. More to come


Betsy said...

What is with all the Guat babies being so sick lately? I hope K doesn't get more sick... what a cliff hanger :) Do you know if the social worker actually completed the report to date?

Kristin said...

Oh, your poor little girl! I'm so glad it was something treatable and hopefully she is feeling better now! I'm still waiting in anticipation for the finish to this story!

Away2me said...

I'm so glad you got to take her to stay with you at the hotel.

Finish the story darn it!

Foxxy One said...

OMG - you had me so worried! Glad it was nothing serious - can't wait to hear the rest of the story :)

Erica said...

Oh, my, gawd! What a rollercoaster! Hope the rest of your visit was smoother!

Betsy said...

When are we gonna get part 3? I'm dying to know :)

Lisa said...

Yes . . . bring on part III! Hope you are doing great :)