Monday, October 17, 2005

Agency Woes

So its official our agency sucks...i know that someone from the agency might be reading this as they search the net for comments. If you are GOOD...and don't you flipping think of calling me out on my post. Threats will get not get you far. Trust Me I am an attorney. First, it is MY BLOG and I can say whatever I want and if you don't like it don't read. Here is a thought maybe you would not have to have people searching the net for families writing about their stories if you were actually a good and reputable agency. I know, a novel concept huh!
Ok so here is the deal...I woke up in a wonderful, good mood...Which has not been happening lately due to my own expectations. (see my last post) Anyways, as I am walking out the door, my dh calls me. He says, don't flip out when you read your email. (on a side note, I don' t turn my blackberry on till I am on the way to work). I of course, say OK what happened? Brad tells me just to read my email and call him. So the email says.. basically, that they have had an inflex of adoptive families and we are now down on the waiting list. Excuse me, there was never a waiting list for a boy. There was a two month waiting list for a girl. When we selected the agency and when our dossier was completed we were never told there was a waiting list and I ASKED. I ASKED CONSTANTLY . I did not want to go with an agency who had a long waiting list. We decided we wanted an agency that had a middle of the road wait, with a good reputation. Brad's requirement was that the agency had to be local. At the time I thought it was reasonable. is not the fact that there is a it is the lies...first lets take the referral incident of labor day weekend..then we meet with our case manager and she says you should get a referral anytime ...since all of our paperwork was done...then weeeks later when we hear nothing she says oh we changed our requirement you can't get a referral until your docs are translated...again this was out of the blue...and I did not confront her on this..I just took a deep I asked whether our paperwork is being translated...I have not heard a response yet. rather I get this email on this "list" business. To top it off they want more money...this shit may sound silly to everyone but you know what it is not silly to me...I can handle things that are out of the agency's control..i.e., the Guatemala law proposal. ..I can handle that changing. What I can't handle is their own rules changing...that is not acceptable...especially for those of us trying so hard to comply with everything they need from us...and they know we/I will jump through hoops to bring a child home. I know I probably brought all of this upon myself by being so negative last week...negative brings negativty.. The good news is I am no longer negtaive,..I am fucking pisst off.....Brad is calling our case manager and is going to try and figure out what the hell is going on with the agency... I told him to get our docs back . In the meantime, the clock is ticketing for our experiation of our docs...oh yeah and we will be out of all this money. Oh life keeps getting do people stay positive..? It probably would help if my job did not suck...It really does here I am trying to stay positive and keep things in perspective ...Again, someone tell me how is that done??

1 comment:

Foxxy One said...

That's bullshit! You were there before the influx (regardless of whether or not there is a waiting list now - there wasn't one when you signed up).

I can tell you that our agency has no waiting list for a boy and a very short one for a girl. Just say the word and I'd be happy to give you their information (they have been a dream to work with).
