Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Be Still!

Not to put a damper on my last update. But, after our case manager reviewed our INS approval she noticed that INS had the wrong expiration date for our fingerprints..Ugh! What these means is that we have to wait for INS to reissue our an approval. I have been told by other internet people that this could take two to three weeks. I know, I know, you would think this should be fairly easy, but let us not forget that this is INS and the federal government which moves at a total different pace than us. However, I am going to remain positive on this. I know and trust that there is a reason for the delay. Sure I wish it did not happen, but we are so close to seeing and being referred our baby that I can feel it in my bones. As I told my staff at the office how many first time mothers were dilated at 1 cm for weeks on end..Many was there reply, so I figure I am just a paper pregnant mom dilated at 1 cm...So for right now I am going to Be still and wait for our INS approval. With of course daily reminder emails to our contact...HEE HEE. On a different note, we are going to see my dad this weekend up in Charlotte, N.C., which should be a lot of fun. I have never been to Charlotte and have heard that it is beautiful.

1 comment:

Foxxy One said...

Ugh that is the pits. I'm sorry that happened. Hopefully, you will get a sympathetic worker at INS to reissue it quickly.