Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Days of our is it that time can go so fast. I mean how do we do it. How do we take the time to appreciate it all. Brad is away on business so it has been Kiley and I. I have all of these great ideas for us to do while he was gone. Do you think I was able to do them? Only one. Why you ask? Because it has been so crazy. I have not had the opportunity to sit still. I absolutely hate it. Where does our time go? Why does it slip so quickly. Why are there so many wasted moments. I do not want any more wasted moments. I made this intention a while ago but I can't seem to keep up with my life. So last night I made a decision. I did not care that I had two appellate briefs which have to be mailed today were not done. I took my daughter to Chick- fil-a for dinner. We ate french fries and I let her play in the playground. She laughed, singed, made funny faces at me. The smile on my face was bigger than hers. We then went to Old Navy where I let her run in the aisles in front of me. She hid in the clothes I was looking at. All you could hear were our giggles. I loved it. Then I put Lion King in the TV in our room and let her sleep with me. As she was falling asleep she put her little foot on my leg and it stayed there the entire night. I want more of these moments. I realized that my life is getting out of control and I need to slow down. Maybe it is the heart monitor I am wearing for the next 24 hours, or maybe the drugs on my bathroom sink. I making changes.

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