Thursday, May 17, 2007

So here is the hypothetical situation..Say you come across a page on myspace of someone you know really well (and by really well) Ah hell here it goes...My sister ex's new girlfriend, you know the one that showed up at church last weekend, has a myspace page. Well I ran across it the other day and what do I find. A lovely post estentially critizing my nephew's first Communion my sister, and Catholicism. OK now I totally understand people criticizing my faith. Hey there are things I do not like about it. For instance, I would like to have gotten married in the church but we didn't as Brad is not a Catholic. Sure I was disappointed. Do I regret it not one bit. There are some major differences that I have with the church but I still respect my faith and attempt to follow it.

Back to the subject at hand, this woman (and really I think she is a disgrace to all women) essentially bad mouth my sister, and church. The problem I have with this and I really need to get over this. Is that my sister/family was extremely polite(too polite in my opinion) at the service to her. Essentially she was welcomed. I have to ask myself FOR WHAT...she goes and dishes on everything that essentially my family holds holy. Not to mention this young boy who was so excited to be receiving the sacrament..She just S***t on. So the reason why I am writing is that guess who is coming to my nephew's birthday party on Sunday..Yup...So I am taking a poll...

A) Do I confront her at the beginning?

B) Do I confront her at the end?

c) Do I confront at all..(THIS IS PROBABLY NOT AN OPTION as I am so pissed..but I am always open) ;o)

I leave you with a picture of Kiley. I think she is obsessed with her pacifiers..

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