Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Oh guys I am so sorry that I have been MIA. Let me give you a quick update. On Monday I opened my law office. My practice centers in Immigration. Ironic huh!! I actually purchased an existing firm. Needless to say I am excited but overwhelmed and suffering from mix emotions. I am on one hand trying to open and keep business coming in and on the otherhand I dealing with "bad mommy emotions" for having to go back to work. Please no flaming. I wish I could stay at home but I can't. I do know that once the firm gets up and running I will have more flexibility with Kiley. I am leaving Kiley with my brother-in-law (who is a stay at home dad) during the day. I don't drop her off until 10:00am and pick her up at a little after 5:00. My office is only 8 miles from my home and only 4 miles from my brother-in-laws. Also, since I am my own boss I can leave at any time if an emergency presents itself (or if I darn well feel like it). I guess these emotions are growing as I also believe I am suffering from some post partum depression. All I can say is UGH!!!


erinberry said...

Congrats on your new practice!

I need more Kiley pictures :)

avonlea said...

Congrats on hanging up your own shingle! That's great, I'm sure it will give you a lot of flexibility as well as the ability to work at home when you need to.

There are a lot of immigration lawyer websites on the 'net, I'm sure you can find additional referrals that way.

Good luck with the new venture.

(BTW, I've added your blog to my infertile lawyers guild list - it's always nice to find another lawgal)

Kristin said...

Wow girl, you are so ambitious to start your own practice! Good for you! And though I'm sure things are tough right now as you adjust to everything and get a schedule down, it sounds like this will be a great move in the long run and allow a lot more flexibility. Best of luck with everything!

And I second the comment about more Kiley pictures! Bring on that cute little girl!

Erica said...

No guilt! No guilt! (easier said than done, I know!)

You're doing a GREAT job with Kiley, and she's in good hands at daycare, and you have to make a living, woman!

I'm feeling a mix of emotions, too - it's so hard going from infertile woman to instant mommy, it turns your life upside down! Hang in there, it will even out!

Betsy said...

Wow, way to go! So glad you went solo. Wish you all the best-- you'll be just fine!

You are doing a wonderful job w/ Kiley, who is beyond gorgeous, BTW. Could you share any more pics of her?