Monday, March 06, 2006


Glimpse of my day!

Wake up and roll over and check to see if cell phone and phone rang..(always on )
Check to see if email came in on blackberry(which is also always on)
Think today is the day
Hope today is the day
Say a prayer of forgiveness for wanting today to be the day
Drive to work with cell phone on lap (you know, just in case ;-)
Get to office
Ask all of the secretaries if anyone has called
Get an email from CM sending information and pictures of wrong baby- yup still don't nderstand how someone can do that...anyways,
Check email and voice mail continously.
Read all of your blogs
Oh yeah, and try to do some work ;0 )

Mantra: We will be out of PGN anyday now!!


Lisa said...

I am repeating your mantra here :) Thinking of you!

Away2me said...

I have had a feeling about you guys.... That magic phone call is coming soon, I can feel it. Next week I think. I hope! Hang in there!

Barb said...

That call is going to come the minute you least expect it! I hope it's very soon! :)