Thursday, March 02, 2006

Back In the saddle again

We are back in PGN Yippie!!!! Thank you for your kind thoughts and prayers. I feel very relieved. I am hopeful that our wait will not be long now. I don't know if we have to wait another 20 days till we hear something else. Gosh I hope not. Anyways, I must admit I was sweating it for a while there. My good friend told me, correctly I must admit, that I was trying to control the whole situation and by doing that I would in the end push everything farther away. I looked at her like she had just fallen out of the sky. But then I thought about what she said and I realized she was right. I had to remind myself that I have to trust. I have to trust that there is a higher being that is in control and that I am not the only person involved in this. Kiley I guess needs to be at her foster moms for a reason. What that reason is I don't know but I have to trust that there is a reason. I know that I have a lot of growing up to do before she comes home. Maybe that is why she is still at her foster mom. Do you see what I am getting at. It may sound really crazy but you know it just makes sense. So along with continual positive thinking I am going to learn to trust. Trust that everything will and is working out according to plan.
In other good news Lisa and Frank are out of PGN after 67 days...I am so happy for them. It would have been nice to meet you guys but I rather you get Dominic home quickly. Also, D and her dh A, have been matched and it is looking good so far !!!!!

Mantra: We will be out of PGN anyday now!!!


Lisa said...

YIPEEEEE! I am so happy that you are back in! See, that wasn't so bad! I was looking at the dates on our PGN decree, and it was actually signed the day AFTER we went back in . . . so keep that mantra going strong :) I am praying for you guys!

Kristin said...

Yeah! I'm glad to hear things are back on track! Now let's get you out of PGN in a hurry! I've got my fingers crossed for you!

Away2me said...

I'm so happy you are back in PGN. Now I can change my mantra. Congrats. Everyone tells me that once your baby is home you won't remember all the hard times waiting. I hope that is the case for you and I!

Erica said...

Yeah! Great news, I'll keep fingers crossed for you to be OUT very soon!