Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Working Mother

As I was sitting waiting for my fouth asylum trial (of the five I had scheduled this week) to begin. I began contemplating how motherhood has changed me in the work force and really in my work. It was interesting. First, I realized that my work comes second. Or should I say my family comes first. I guess I always belived that, in fact there were mnay times I would state that. But the reality was that I did not put my words into practice, until now. I don't start working until Kiley goes to bed, even if it is 11pm. Even if I have two trials back to back. It does not matter. I worry about her when I have to leave her earlier than normal. But really the difference that I have seen is in my compassion. I will say that I always considered myself compassionate. I specifically remember my criminal law professor telling me in front of the entire class that I had a bleeding heart. He told me that life and the law are not fair. (On side note, he was really not a bad guy he helped get me my internship at the public defender's office my second year.) Anyways, I have seen a changed in me. I feel for my clients. I see their struggle. I see how they have to leave their children in their home country so they can try to make a better life for them. I feel for them because they are separated and worried to death about them. All they want is to bring them here with them. I feel bad when their asylum case denied. I feel bad because I worry about their children and them. I can't tell you how many times I have heard, "I am doing this for my children", or "what can I do about my children". "what am I going to do". It seems that all of this has taken a different meaning for me now. So here is my story! I am a mommy and wife first, then a lawyer.

1 comment:

Betsy said...

It really is amazing how "motherhood" changes us. I feel even more protective of mothers and babies now that I'm a "mom".

I bet you are one hellava good attorney too.