Wednesday, June 27, 2007

My beloved Tiger is missing. Brad accidentely left the front door open and off he went. To say I am heartbroken is an understatement. Tiger is my baby. He sleeps with me and lays in my lap the moment I sit down. He is very loving towards Kiley and has always laid with the both of us. Please send some positive thoughts as it going on a week now. I miss my baby as does Kiley. Here are some pics of him..

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Happy Father's Day

I made this for Brad. I hope you enjoy honey. I know it is a little early.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

My goodness where has the time gone. :0) I was doing really well about blogging. Sorry! I do want to say to everyone, that I do still read all of my favorite blogs even though I do not comment. Business has been good for a while now. (Knocking on wood here) I am so thankful. I wish I could say that I have been able to take a paycheck. However, I am able to pay my business bills. That is a big step.

What I am struggling with is feeling worthy to get paid. I tend to be lienent as to payment. I don't know why. I feel bad for my clients. I trust them. Unfortunately this does not pay bills. Unfornately, this means I get burned sometimes. For instance, I had a client who owed me money. We get to court he tells me he has the money. I do the entire trial we get out and guess what all of the sudden he does not have the money. I was pratically in tears. I was furious. What irks me about this is that it has made me really leary as to other clients who I normally would give a break for (or work with). How do you keep the balance about being cautious and getting paid and working with folks. I really want to do the right thing but I need to protect my family as well. Any words of wisdom?