Monday, June 30, 2008
So here is the deal. I want to go back home to Puerto Rico for a visit with Kiley sometime soon. My family in Puerto Rico has not met Kiley. The exceptions are my grandmother and uncle. However, my grandmother is 88 years old. Thank God that she is in good health but you never know when they reach this age. Moreover, I really want to go and experience some loving Grandma care. I want to go sit on the beach with Kiley. Sure I we have beaches here and we;ve taken Kiley but I want really warm clear blue water. I want to walk down to the end of the street to the bakery and get some fresh bread. I want to sit and do mundillo with my Grandma and her church friends. We sit on the porch and lace and watch everyone walk out to the town square. I even miss the darn rooster. I don't know what has brought this up. But it is there. What is the problem you ask? Just go...
Well it seems like Brad has the same calling but for his home town of Holton Lake Michigan. We can only afford to take one trip. Now mind you I have no problem with the north or Michigan for that matter. But really do you think of going to Michigan in the summer. No!! Let me just state for the record that Brad has no family remaining in Holton Lake. However, and very importantly Brad wants to go visit his mother's and brother's (Jeff's) grave. OK I know I am sounding selfish right now but hear me out. I want to go to the grave site. I think it is a beautiful thing. I want to thank his mother for raising such a wonderful son. I want them to see what a good family Brad has. How wonderful his relationship with Kiley is. It is the other stuff that bothers me of the trip. Brad's' family was very against us getting married. They did not want him marrying a "non white" Hispanic and to top it off a Catholic. (His family are preachers who for some strange and absurd reason think Catholics and the Catholic Church are evil) I know makes no sense. So we had a huge obstacle to overcome. We are still dealing with it. Honestly his family is the only issue we have. Now I am not so bad. I do not hold a grudge. I constantly encourage Brad to talk to his family. I ask about them, I pray for them. We meet with his family members when they come here. Only really his uncle. Anyways, I treat them with kindness and really compassion. I know they don't know what they are saying is wrong or hurtful it is just is. So I pray and mediate before I see them. I have only gone to Michigan twice since our relationship started. Both times very short and for funerals. The last time I was there I spent a lot of time with my blackberry. Anyways, I am really hesitant to go to Michigan. Brad wants to go take Kiley and do the rounds to family. These are the same people that did not accept me I worry about Kiley. I have tried explaining this to Brad. But he is insistent on wanting to go. He assures me that he will protect us. That everything will be OK. I have to believe him. I have to believe that it is life lesson for me and Kiley. Kiley has to learn to deal with people who may not like her. Maybe they will love her and it is just me they have problems with. That would be my life lesson I think. I would be OK with that. As long as they are good to Kiley and Brad I can handle it. I don't want any tension I don't want Kiley to feel at all that I don't love or appreciate his family. That would really suck. However, I still am unsure. I will keep you guys updated if we really go. The funds are an issue at this point. We will see.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Oh Oh
Telephone ringing ringing
Hello this is Brad.
Hi you need to come to my office
My car is broke.. (figured no reason to beat around the bush)
Yeah there is part hanging off it hitting the road.
I'll call you back...CLICK
You think he is mad???
Friday, June 20, 2008
Doing better
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Mindless stuff
Friday, June 13, 2008
Craziness that is called my life
i carry your heart with me(i carry it in my heart)i am never without it(anywhere i go you go,my dear; and whatever is done by only me is your doing,my darling)i fear no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet) i want no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant and whatever a sun will always sing is you
Monday, June 09, 2008
I have always thought of myself as open minded. BTW I hate when people start off sentences like that but bear with me here. ;0) I mean I practice Yoga and yet I am catholic. I firmly believe that God loves all of us and that we are entitled to be ourselves. We should not judge people as we do not live in their shoes. Certainly there are things that we should not tolerate at all as a society but you get my drift. Anyways, I have two (now three) tattoos which I love. It is interesting to see the prejudgements that people have about it. They really do treat you differently. My first tattoo is a beautiful butterfly which is on the top of my left foot.
I don't have a really good picture to post right now. I got that tattoo when I was in my early twenties. (Let me side track here and say that I met the WWE wrestler Billy Gun at the tattoo shop. He was so nice.) I was going through a rough spell at that time. (Think Brittany Spears drama)It was really weird I was so numb. I was just functioning. No joy, no sadness, nothing. I needed to feel something so I thought why not pain. Hence a tattoo on the foot. It was a good experience. I was hooked. I finally felt something.
The second tattoo is a fairy on my lower back. I decided to get it as I felt like I was floating through life, not enjoying it rather just flipping here and there. It is really in my opinion a cool tattoo. The fairy has brown hair with blond highlights like I wear my hair most of the time.
Now to present day. I got the UM symbol on my wrist. Now this is a big move for me. First it is a tattoo and Brad hates tattoos. Second, it is in a visible spot. I have to be careful in my work. Nothing like showing a judge a tattoo. But the UM mantra is big for me. It is essentially a reminder to me about being center. Sure it is a symbol of the life force. Which in my case is God. I need that reminder. I need to be center. I need something in my life to ground me. I need something that will remind me that someone(something) is in control and it is not me. I need that permission to be me and give the rest up. Does this make sense? If I am centered and reminded of this I don't panic. I do not live in overwhelm. I so hate overwhelm. I am not a good wife, daughter and mother when I am in overwhelm. So I was out to lunch at this wonderful sandwich shop. The shop happened to be next to the tattoo parlor that I had previously gone to. Before I knew it I was sitting in the tattoo chair. My artist name was Doug. Doug was so nice and really he understood my needs. He was very sweet. I realized that I have my own misconceptions. Here is this big intimating guy. Literally he was 6'2; overweight with a full sleeve and nose piercing. I fully expected for him to be harsh and make fun of little ol me. I mean really what is a 34 mother, wife, lawyer doing in a tattoo parlor. Then we started talking. He has an education in Finance actually he worked as a financial planner for many years tattooing on the side. He told me that he began to make more money as a tattoo artist and that is when he changed careers. Interesting right. He was nothing short than a teddy bear. I realized that I still have these prejudgements. Wow I need to change that. It was a great life growing experience for me. Isn't that great. I won't lie it hurt and Brad was super mad at me. I probably should have told him before I got the tattoo. :0) But do I regret it. No, maybe the timing and not talking to Brad bit but not the tattoo.
It is interesting the reactions that I have gotten. Since my other tattoos were easily hidden I rarely get comments about them. Sure the people that paid so much attention would say something. But that has been nothing since I got the latest tattoo on my wrist.. oh Nelly... . My grandmother was so funny she said it was just another way to identify my body when I am dead. My mom did not have a comeback to that. But you know what... it is OK. Maybe I will be a growing life experience for someone.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Martian Child
" I don't want to bring another kid into this world but how do you argue against loving one that's already here<